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Underground criminals?

David Mery’s front page piece in today’s Guardian certainly makes for interesting reading – and raises some very valid and important questions about the actions of the police in the wake of the London tube bombings. Well worth reading, and worrying.

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Comments and responses

Comment from A T Hunn

    22.15, 30/09/2005

Look, either you are for the forces of law or you are with the terrorists. Persident Bush has made that very clear, and society must be protected from terrorism by whatever means necessary.

This guy is obviously a subversive whining ingrate and he deserves all the treatment he got. Writing articles about it on the front page of the newspaper shows him to be just another cry baby liberal. But what else do you expect from the Guardian and their columnists?

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    11.09, 01/10/2005

You say

society must be protected from terrorism by whatever means necessary

But that really means nothing unless you state precisely what you mean by ‘protected’ and by ‘terrorism’…

Comment from A T Hunn

    12.01, 01/10/2005

In its absolute sense, “terrorism” is anything which threatens the rule of law.

“Protected” means using any means at their disposal to prevent the rule of law being threatened.

Obviously 9/11 was not a sufficient wake up call for some people to realize that we are at war, everything changed, and the necessary measures need to be taken. During the war against the Nazis, people accepted without question the need for rationing, identity cards, censorship, and the need to round up enemies of the state and subversives eg communists, ethnic Germans, and Japanese and put them in interment camps. The war on terrorism is no different, and since as our great leaders in thsi crusade against the force of evil have declared, “if you are not with us, you are against us”, those who oppose such measures are revealing themselves to be fifth columnists and are aiding and abetting the terrorists and their cause.

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