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Following repeated requests, I’ve now ordered the monthly archives in chronological order, which really makes a lot more sense than reverse chronological order. The category archives remain in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post in a given category appears at the top of the page. I’ve also tidied up the Permalink structure a little, though old-style links still work too.

Because of comment spam, I’ve implemented a system whereby a security code will be randomly generated and shown in an image. In order to post a comment, you must type in this security code. I realise that this adds an extra barrier to the commenting process, but I do hope that it will prevent the blog becoming flooded with spam, as it has been on a couple of occasions recently.

I’ve also corrected the minor error that meant that Permalinks for the old system weren’t working on this system – they were bringing up a ‘Page not Found’ error. You should now find that all Permalinks, whether generated from the new or old system, will always take you to the same page on the new system. Using old-style Permalinks, the page will take a little longer to load due to the increased processing time taken to find the equivalent new page, but all of my TrackBacks that I left under the old system will now work with the new system. So it’s a good thing.

I hope you like the changes – if you have any other comments or suggestions, feel free to get in touch in the usual way.

This post was filed under: Site Updates.

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I’ve now uploaded all of my LBSC posts to this blog. You will see these posts marked with the following logo, just above the footline:

Originally posted on The LBSC

In the event that The LBSC ever recovers from its current crippled state, then any posts I author on there will be copied over to here, and marked as shown above. I hope that you will find it helpful to have all my blogging activity archived in one place – I know I will!

You will also notice that I’ve added a search feature to the site, so that you can find the particular post you’re looking for. The site will be re-indexed every Friday, so the Search Engine will not be able to find anything posted since the previous Friday.

And, on a completely unrelated note, I’ve updated my sig with five new images, though still based on the same ‘real world’ theme. You can see a randomly selected one in the bottom-right hand corner of this page.

This post was filed under: Site Updates.

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