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Weeknotes 2022.07

A few things I’ve been thinking about this week. The seventh post of a series.

Following last week’s earth-shattering news about my toothbrush, I bought a new Sonicare number this week. It’s fancy. I’ve used the Philips dental care recycling scheme for some time to recycle my toothbrush heads, interdental brushes and floss packaging, despite having no Philips dental products, so it seemed right to support them.

I finished my work notebook yesterday, and cracked open a new one this morning. I use an A4 spiral bound hardback Black n’ Red book, and use exactly one page per day, writing the date top-right. All the inserts of inspirational quotes are brutally torn out before I start using the notebook, as I find them intensely irritating.

I mostly use my notebook for writing down my schedule for the day (to keep it handy) and any jobs I need to do (to make sure I tick them off). I also write occasional scribbles of things I need to not forget. I buy the notebooks in packs of five, but rarely get to use more than one of the pack as Wendy steals them, as she uses notebooks at a much faster rate.

I’ve tried many electronic alternatives over the years, but have never found anything to rival the “look down, and it’s there” accessibility of a physical notebook. I do keep future tasks and appointments electronically, but “today” works best on paper for me. It’s also great for those “did I remember to do that?” moments, when I can flick back and see a task ticked off.

Following last week’s positive covid test, I never did go on to develop any symptoms, though did remain positive for a little while. Working from home all week and never leaving the house was a strange experience, but not wholly unpleasant. I’ve missed my walks to work, and I still haven’t got round to reading much this month.

Rumours abound that the Government will announce a substantial change to the covid response tomorrow, apparently to include the end of the legal requirement to self-isolate and the end of access to free testing. I haven’t been able to get this bit from Stuart Heritage’s Air Mail profile of the Prime Minister out of my head all week:

He is apparently telling colleagues that he “got Covid done.” Just like he got Brexit done. And that worked out O.K., didn’t it?


I finished watching After Life this week. I had avoided the series for years, thinking that it wasn’t up my street, but it turned out to be brilliant.

This post was filed under: Weeknotes.

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