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’24’ phone number a direct line to cast

Over 50,000 fans of 24 in the US have called a phone number which appeared on the show.

In the most recent episode to air in the US, a shot of a phone number was displayed on a character’s mobile phone. Thousands of die-hard fans have dialled the number, and have found themselves speaking to members of the 24 cast.

And so it is confirmed. There really are people out there who are unimaginably sad. Why would anyone in the right mind phone a number they saw on a mobile phone in a TV series?

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Sarah

    21.13, 09/03/2007

i have a few questions i want to ask the cast and crew of 24

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    08.09, 10/03/2007

I still want to know what Jack whispered to Nina in Season 3.

Comment from Sarah

    15.25, 10/03/2007

i agree there

Comment from Sarah

    21.57, 20/03/2007

do you think Audrey is really dead or it’s all a lie that Jack’s brother set up to throw Jack off if he escaped(which obviously he did)?

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