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Kilroy-Silk quits ‘shameful’ UKIP

Kilroy-Silk quits ‘shameful’ UKIP (BBC News)

Surely this idiot has finally lost every scintilla of credibility he ever had… not that he had much to start with. To appear to quit a party simply because they won’t make him leader, and then to set up his own party, is quite insane. I think he’s very wrong to think that people voted for UKIP as a vote for him: People voted for UKIP becase they liked what UKIP stood for, and his campaigning brought light to those policies. I can’t see voters now following him to a new party led entirely by him, because it will be even less credible than UKIP.

This is very good news for the main political parties, though: There was some danger that UKIP would take votes away from them, but with all this squabbling and silliness going on I can’t see anyone voting for UKIP or Veritas.

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics.

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