Memo: TB to GB?
When this video was first released, it was largely assumed, not least because of some of the comments in it about the Leader of the Opposition, that it was intended largely for the eyes and ears of David Cameron. But watching it again, I’m not so sure.
Watch it again, and work with me on this…
[flashvideo filename=”” /]
It seems quite clear to me, now, that this is the advice of the retiring (metaphorically) elder statesman, passing on his vast knowledge and experience to his successor. It’s a public memo from TB to GB, with more than just a hint of “Young upstarts, don’t challenge the natural successor, because you can’t cope in this job” about it. Almost every necessary quality he mentions as necessary for the top job is one that GB’s publically acknowledged to have.
Maybe everyone else noticed this weeks ago. But I didn’t. So there you go.
Update: Minor typo corrected and added to new ‘Video’ category.
This post was filed under: News and Comment, Video.