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Alan Johnston has been released

Alan JohnstonNews breaking within the last hour that Alan Johnston has been released. What fantastic news!

Hearing him speaking on BBC World at the moment, and the just joyful reaction of the presenter and his colleagues is just marvellous.

It’s wonderful, just wonderful to see that sometimes things can come good. Tremendous.

The best news I’ve heard in a long time.

This post was filed under: Media, News and Comment, Politics.

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Comments and responses

Comment from gary funston

    14.40, 04/07/2007

Fantastic news!! I first heard of the story at 3.00am and was gobsmacked. It just shows how diplomatic pressure can still resolve international issues with no resort to violence.
I wish Alan and his family all the best in the future.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    20.32, 04/07/2007

Luckily, I’m in Canada at the moment, so I heard about 7.30pm, while munching on the single most delicious pizza I’ve had in a long time (highly recommended). But for having slept on it, it’s still no less fantastic (the news, not so much the pizza).

As you say, it shows that diplomacy can still go a long way, and that sometimes we must engage with people we don’t like if we’re to find an amicable solution. Certainly something for this Government and the US Government to note.

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