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An amazing couple of weeks

Bloggy AwardThe last couple of weeks have been really, really amazing for the site. The last two weeks have brought more hits to the site than the first three months of last year (more than 150,000 in all), mainly due to the somewhat surprising spread of this post, which certainly wasn’t hindered by the fact that it became one of the top results on Google for the search term “Denmark cartoons”. Quite how that happened, I have really no idea. The post was inevitably controversial – it generated (and is still generating) more comments than any other item ever posted on the site – over 70 in total.

And then today, I find out that I’ve won the above award, with a perfect ’10’ score. That’s just incredible. I have to say that I find the idea of winning award like this mildly embarrassing, because the site was never intended to be a huge thing, it’s just a place where I kind of vent my spleen, and make almost mental notes for myself for the future. I really have no idea who my audience is, because the stuff on the site is so ecclectic, I can’t see anyone liking it all. Yet clearly some people do. Some choice quotes from the Bloggy Award review:

Hilarious, absolutely hilarious, but refreshingly intelligent as well. This blog, run by a British medical student, runs the gamut from political commentary to a E! Hollywood-esque article on the romance of Barbie and Ken. One of the best ways to start the day.

It’s intelligent without being academic, opinionated without being arrogant, well-written without lapsing into the arrogant self-obsession that can often occur when you fall in love with your own wit. A fantastic read.

I love that they used the word ‘gamut’. I really love that. It’s just a lovely word. And I love even more that they feel I haven’t lapsed into arrogant self-obsession. Personally, I would’ve thought that registering a (or several, actually) domain name in your own name, then posting a load of personal thoughts with the presumption that someone will want to read them is a definition of arrogant self-obsession, but clearly that doesn’t come across in my writing. Which, I guess, is a Good ThingTM.

So thanks to the Bloggy Award people for their very kind comments, and their shiny little award. If I had a virtual trophy cabinet, it would have pride of place in it. But I don’t, so the sidebar will have to do.

Now, in an effort to be fair and balanced, let me include the comments of someone who isn’t such a fan of the site:

Sjhoward, bulshit bullshit, bullshit, bullshit

Sometimes, I love the bad comments more than the good. The official tagline of this site has been, for a long time, “The thinking man’s blog (provided you don’t think too much)”. Which is frankly terrible, which explains why it appears nowhere except for on the RSS feed. I’m beginning to think though, that “Sjhoward, bulshit bullshit, bullshit, bullshit”, complete with spelling errors, would be a fantastic alternative.

Whadya fink?

This post was filed under: Site Updates.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Sensorcaine

    06.01, 24/02/2006

hey…came across your post- thanks to the bloggyawards…And I must say,it’s hilarious! I think you should post a virtual thankyou speech in its honour!

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    17.12, 24/02/2006

This post is, pretty much, my thankyou speech – but maybe I’ll post another one here sometime just for kicks. Maybe.

Comment from Coire

    00.19, 25/02/2006

Congratulations chuck!! You deserve it :o) Hope to see ya soon! x

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