Apostrophe Ignorance
I’ve had to rearrange my top three most annoying apostrophe mistakes today after visiting Middlesbrough.
There was a stall selling no doubt delicious potatoes. And how had Mr Stall Man spelled “Potatoes”? He didn’t spell it “Potato’s”. Whilst this would be ignorant and annoying, it’s possibly understandable. He had a large sign upon which was the following sequence of characters: “POTATOE’S”.
I accept that the Stall Holder’s name may have been, by coincidence, Mr Potatoe, but I think this is somewhat unlikely. Therefore, this enters at number two in my chart. In case you’re interested, number three is the apparent confusion surrounding “you’re” and “your”, and number one is the apostrophe in “Hear’Say”.
Originally posted on The LBSC
This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.