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A Week in My Life: Saturday

The headline totals for this Saturday are: I spent eight-and-a-half hours sleeping, seven hours working, four hours watching TV, and four hours surfing. Eek, I wouldn’t have said I’d spent that long on the computer today – surprised I haven’t got a headache or something! Tomorrow, I hope, will be a more relaxing day, I just wanted to blast the Community Placement today. Or yesterday technically, I suppose, since we’ve passed midnight. Oh, the confusion. Anyway, here’s the details:

0.00 Web Surfing
1.00 Web Surfing (~30 mins), Sleeping (~30 mins)
3.00 Sleeping
4.00 Sleeping
5.00 Sleeping
6.00 Sleeping
7.00 Sleeping
8.00 Sleeping
9.00 Sleeping
10.00 Sleeping
11.00 Finding research papers for Community Placement Report (~50 mins), Breakfast (~10 mins)
12.00 Writing Community Placement Report
13.00 Writing Community Placement Report
14.00 Writing Community Placement Report
14.00 Writing Community Placement Report (~30 mins), Web Surfing (~30 mins)
15.00 Writing Community Placement Report
16.00 Web Surfing
17.00 Anatomy of the Back Workbook (~30 mins), Web Surfing (~30 mins)
18.00 Writing Community Placement Report
19.00 Eating tea (~15 mins), Sorting Washing (~10 mins), Web Surfing (~35 mins)
20.00 Watching Kilroy: Behind the Tan
21.00 Watching CSI: NY
22.00 Watching A Beautiful Mind
23.00 Watching A Beautiful Mind

This post was filed under: My Week, University.

A Week in My Life: Friday

Friday is generally quite an easy day, because I get the morning off and so have time to sleep in. Anyway, the headline totals (details below): I spent nine hours sleeping, seven hours working, three hours watching TV, and two hours surfing (though much of this was spent reading emails from uni anyway). Now you can see why I like Fridays! Lots of time to lie-in! Tomorrow should be similarly enjoyable, but I’m going to try to get some serious work done on my Community Placement, so I might end up doing a lot of work.

Here are the details for Friday (and I know it’s not midnight yet, so that 23.00 figures are predicted):

00.00 Watching ‘This week’ (~20 mins), Tidying bedroom (~20 mins), Filing notes (~20 mins)
01.00 Marking down timetable changes (~10 mins), Web Surfing (~30 mins), Sleeping (~20 mins)
02.00 Sleeping
03.00 Sleeping
04.00 Sleeping
05.00 Sleeping
06.00 Sleeping
07.00 Sleeping
08.00 Sleeping
09.00 Sleeping
10.00 Sleeping (~40 mins), Web Surfing (~20 mins)
11.00 Showering and Dressing (~20 mins), Eating Breakfast whilst reading anatomy of the foot (~10 mins), Studying anatomy of the knee (~30 mins)
12.00 Studying anatomy of the knee (~40 mins), Driving to college (~10 mins), Talking with friends (~10 mins)
13.00 Muscle Fibre Lecture (~55 mins), Walking to different building, and changing (~5 mins)
14.00 Anatomy Practical: Leg, Knee, Ankle, Foot
15.00 Anatomy Practical: Leg, Knee, Ankle, Foot
16.00 Anatomy Practical: Leg, Knee, Ankle, Foot
17.00 Changing, meeting up with housemate (~5 mins), Driving to Tesco (~15 mins), Shopping (~30 mins), Driving home (~10 mins)
18.00 Unpacking shopping (~10 mins), Noting further timetable changes (~15 mins), Filing notes (~15 mins), Surfing (~15 mins), Web Surfing (~5 mins)
19.00 Watching Channel 4 News whilst eating Tea (~40 mins), Web Surfing (~20 mins)
20.00 Forming plan for Community Placement report (~30 mins), Watching Friends (~30 mins)
21.00 Watching The Simpsons
22.00 Watching The Apprentice
23.00 Web Surfing (~30 mins), Bedtime Reading – Executive Summary of a DoH white paper on choosing health (~30 mins)

This post was filed under: My Week, University.

A Week in My Life

A very good friend of mine has decided to take some time out from the medical course for the time being. Discussing this decision, my friends and I came to the conclusion that people who have not previously experienced a medical degree course do not appreciate quite how intense it is. So, in something of a departure from my normal blogging activities, I’m going to try and post a detailed blog of what I do during each hour of each day for the next week, starting a midnight just passed. I will upload a new post for each day, with my activities for each hour listed. This could, of course, backfire horrifically and make me realise that I actually spend an awful lot of time dossing about, but at least that will make me feel more relaxed. So keep an eye out for these special posts, or click on the category “Week in My Life” to see only these posts as they are added. And I offer my apologies in advance if I get fed up with this idea before the week’s out!

This post was filed under: My Week, University.

Travel Headaches

But the scheme will give travel headaches to commuters in Stockton for 65 weeks from February.

Project organisers say road closures and diversion are unavoidable.

It looks like driving around my area is about to get a lot tougher for a long while. It’s not exactly jam-free at the moment, but it’ll be a nightmare to have to get to all these hospitals from August if the roads are going to be so congested. Lucky me.

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous, University.

Shipman killed while training as GP

This post was filed under: News and Comment, University.

Ultra-Conservative? Me?

According to my lecturer this morning, my politics will move ‘further to the right than Attila the Hun’ after my Accident and Emergency rotation, because I’ll be able to see how stupid people really are. I can’t see it happening, personally. But stranger things have happened…

So keep watching the blog for a major political shift. It’s still more likely than one at Number 10, though.

This post was filed under: Politics, University.


These were okay, very hard in parts, but overall not bad. And now I’ve finished the exams. Hooray!

This post was filed under: Exams, University.


Multiple choice: The second of three exams – and the hardest so far, by far. It was very difficult, and there were an awful lot of questions where I didn’t understand the question and had never heard of any of the answers. So it was somewhat difficult to choose the right one. But there were a few questions that seemed alright, so maybe I’ll have passed overall. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

This post was filed under: Exams, University.

Bad Medicine

Bad Medicine (Student BMJ)

Could my degree seriously endanger my health? Apparently so. I don’t claim to be particularly stressed or depressed, but I have been getting a lot of headaches recently…

This post was filed under: University.


My first exam – It wasn’t so bad – it was quite long though, at forty-odd pages, and there were a few questions that I didn’t even begin to understand. All-in-all, though, not too bad at all.

This post was filed under: Exams, University.

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