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If this isn’t the most entertaining thing I’ve seen in the last hour, then paint my nipples and call me Rita.

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Anonymous

    15.18, 12/08/2005

Recommend this site for great pleasure.

Comment from Anonymous

    03.00, 13/08/2005

Respekt! Ein wirlich gelungene Seite.

Comment from Anonymous

    09.50, 13/08/2005

Logging into this website should be a requirement for anyone knowledgeable on earth these days…

Comment from Anonymous

    13.18, 25/08/2005

Perfect site 🙂 I will recommend it to all my friends and fans

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I'm not taking comments on my blog any more, so I'm afraid the opportunity to add to this discussion has passed.

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