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Post no. 2,000

It seems a remarkable statistic, but this is the 2,000th published post on this blog.

In fact, the total is somewhat higher than that, as there have been some posts that have disappeared over the years through various times I’ve broken the site and had to restore from a backup, and that sort of thing. There are also some things which I’ve published as pages rather than blog posts, which don’t count towards that total. But, regardless of all of that, as of the publication of this post, there are 2,000 blog posts up on this site, ready to read. My contribution is still outgunned by yours – there are (at the time of writing) 4,893 published comments. And some 1.3 million unpublished spam comments have been caught before publication on here by Akismet.

Later this year, I’ll have been blogging for a decade, which seems a ludicrously long time. I’ll have to celebrate in some way. Maybe I’ll bake a cake.

Anyway, this is just a quick post to share that bit of statporn… and, of course, to thank you for continuing to read the blog!

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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