Cleadon Mill

This corn mill was built in the early 1800s of local limestone. It was badly damaged in a storm in 1870, and probably didn’t return to use after that. It was further damaged in the First World War when it was used for target practice—what use a ruined old mill anyway?—but it was patched up by the Council in 1992.
You know how much I like to give you a little bit extra in these posts, often sourced from historical newspapers… but I’m struggling on this one. I can, however, share that the Shields Gazette had a whole feature on the ‘Cleadon Big Cat’ which was apparently spotted near the mill in 1999. An anonymous man’s wife told journalist Iain Smith, “He used to always take the family labrador out for a walk and he knows what a dog looks like but he was certain it was not a dog, it was a big cat. There’s definitely something up there.’
I’m pleased to report that I didn’t spot any big cats on my wander past.
This post was filed under: Photos, Cleadon, Iain Smith, Shields Gazette.