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David Miliband’s £6,000 blog

David MilibandDavid Miliband has a blog. A blog that cost the taxpayer £6,000. And isn’t allowed to contain political comments.

Question one: How on earth did it cost £6,000 to set up? That’s hundreds times more than this blog has cost in it’s entire lifespan, and there are a great many tools out there (WordPress.com and Blogger, for example) that would have allowed him to do the same for nothing.

Question two: What’s the point? A politician sets up a blog that can’t have political comments on it?

Question three: Can I have my money back, please?

To be fair, he does attempt to answer one of the above three questions in his blurb:

This blog is my attempt to help bridge the gap – the growing and potentially dangerous gap – between politicians and the public. It will show some of what I’m doing, what I’m thinking about, and what I’ve read, heard or seen for myself which has sparked interest or influenced my ideas.

I’m not entirely sure who Mr Miliband thinks will read his blog, and I’m slightly scared that the fact I’ve visited it will be one more hit towards the definition of success. And quite how he’s going to tell us what he’s thinking as a politician without making political comments is unclear. But I’m sure this is a good use of taxpayer’s money…!

Even Boris can do it better…

This post was filed under: Politics, Technology.

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24th June 2006.

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sjhoward.co.uk » Correction: Miliblog did not cost £6,000

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