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Diary for 16th September 2008

Just seen my first Christmas display of the year in Marks and Spencer. They do know it’s only 16th September, right? «

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Comment from Mort Karman

    12.57, 17/09/2008

Does Christmas have to have “political correct” aspects over there?
Many places here have been told Santa Claus is not to say “Ho,Ho,Ho” because it implies a negative image of women.
I suppose the next logical step would be to ban the Red Nosed Reindeer because it implies that those animals are drunks.
Many towns ban a Nativity Scene on public land such as in front of the town hall or courthouse because it supposedly offends non Christians.
But the ultimate was the incident in Denver, Colorado a few years ago when a man in a Santa Claus suit was arrested on charges of soliciting for prostitution. He was walking down Colfax Street (a known area for prostitution) shouting “Ho, Ho, Ho!”

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    20.46, 18/09/2008

Yep, Christmas does have to be politically correct over here – There’s the perennial story of the time Birmingham tried to rebrand it “Winterval” (though this is largely urban myth), but nothing much seems to have been said about “Ho Ho Ho” yet!

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