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Diary for Wednesday, 9th April 2008

Umbrella Watch: My cheap umbrella has survived its 1st April shower, though its plastic toggle was less pleasant than my old wooden handle. «

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Comments and responses

Comment from Steve Sanders

    08.59, 11/04/2008

I really enjoyed reading about the umbrella. I have suffered a similar fate in the death of a rain-prevention device.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Steve x

Comment from Mort Karman

    10.50, 11/04/2008

Deep in the heart of Texas a breakaway Mormon cult, run by “Prophet” Warren Jeffs, who is currently in prison, is being either investigated or intimidated depending upon if you are in the cult or not.
Authorities say the group makes young girls into sex slaves and forces them to “marry” old men and, or, have sex with them.
Jeffs has several compounds in the US and Canada and this is not the first time he and his group have been in the spotlight.
Over 400 children have been removed from the cult and are in protective custody.
Several told authorities they had been beaten and forced to have sex against their will.
There is only one possible good part of this.
Instead of being a terrorist and blowin himself up to get 70 virgins, all he has to do is join the cult.

Comment from Steve Sanders

    19.33, 11/04/2008

How is this relevant to Umbrellas, the Vain of my life?!

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    11.47, 12/04/2008

Or maybe the bane of your life?

Comment from Anonymous

    12.28, 12/04/2008

It is understood that several of the perverts and some of the girls in the cult use umbrellas when it rains in Texas, Rain in Texas is not often, so it builds up and then the dam bursts.
It has been raining hard here in Michigan and, as usual, my wife neatly place our brollies in the TRUNK of the car.
How, you mas ask, do you get from the house to the car without being drenched because the things are in the trunk?
The answer is it can’t be done. You get drenched.
There, now you have something about umbrells.
Now let me go about my business of being a grouichy, senile, old man!!

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19th April 2008.

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sjhoward.co.uk » Diary for Saturday, 19th April 2008

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