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About me

First Anniversary

To mark the special occasion of the First Anniversary of my First Post on the LBSC, I shall repost the Genesis of my time on this board…


I’m a reasonable guy. No, really, I am. But there’s something I don’t get. Since the beginning of April, via the wonders of spam, I have been offered:
– 3312 hours free online with AOL
– 45 dates with singles in my area
– 2250 business cards saving me £675
– Almost 5ft of penis extensions
– A 17inch increase in penis girth
– 16 sets of Iraq’s Most Wanted playing cards
– 23 bj’s
– 62 refinance mortgages
– 64 free mobile phones

Can someone explain the concept to me using small words and visual aids?

So what’s changed since this time last year?

  • I get a lot more spam, though not so many Penis Extensions any more.
  • I have a nephew
  • I have five more A-Levels
  • I have seven months of medical training
  • I’m a little less reasonable, and a little more eccentric
  • I now have one of the mobile phone contracts whose adverts used to annoy me
  • I’m a year older
  • My email address has changed
  • I have much larger debts
  • I no longer work at Homebase
  • I still post on here
  • I’ve developed an un(?)healthy liking for Apple Juice
  • I spend most of my time in a completely different part of the country
  • For the most part, I have completely different friends
  • I tend to get headaches more frequently
  • I shower, rather than bath, more often
  • I still eat Honey Loops for breakfast
  • I now drink from plastic cups and eat off paper plates
  • I get out more

So there you go.

Just in case you’re worried, this post isn’t coming to you live, it was pre-recorded last week. I don’t usually pre-record my posts, but I wanted this one to be just right.

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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