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Instant Opinion: Now on general release

Instant Opinion, the book collecting together some of the best political posts from this site, is now available in all good bookshops around the world.

Here in the UK, the book is now available from online shops including Tesco (who currently have a 5% discount, the biggest of the major retailers), Blackwells, Amazon, and sjhoward.co.uk/shop. In addition, one Amazon Marketplace seller has it for the bargain price of just £6.08.

Further afield, it is available direct from the publisher and on local versions of Amazon sites, as well as other online bookshops.

For more information about the book, as well as a free preview of it’s contents and how to buy the exclusive ebook version, click here.

Copies are also available through local bricks-and-mortar bookshops, throughout the UK and around the world.

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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