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I’ve seen ‘The Laureate’

William Nunez’s film about Robert Graves’s love triangle / square won a clutch of awards back in 2021, but has only just been cinematically released. Wendy and I went along to see it, knowing hardly anything about it.

I wasn’t impressed. This is one of those films whose opening surveys a troubling scene, with the rest of the film dedicated to explaining how things ended up this way. Except… it doesn’t because the explanation is prosaically pat, and most of the film is entirely extraneous to it. It could get there in five minutes with nothing lost. And, it’s revealed, the troubling scene isn’t quite as dramatic as it appeared to be in any case. It’s an odd point around which to frame a biopic.

This was a film that lacked soul and narrative drive. I’m not sure the film understood the forces behind the characters’ relationships, and as a result, they felt shallow.

And, the greatest cinematic sin of all, I was left without a clue as to what Nunez was trying to say with this film.

Basically: not for me.

This post was filed under: Film, Post-a-day 2023, .

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