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I’ve watched ‘The Menu’

Luke O’Neil recommended 2022 film The Menu in Welcome to Hell World, saying

Do not read this piece if you haven’t seen the film yet. In fact I’d recommend watching it without knowing anything at all if you can.

I followed his advice. When I pressed play on the stream, I didn’t even know the film’s genre. I assumed (correctly) that it had the excellent Anya Taylor-Joy in it, as she was in the header image at the top of Luke’s post. I knew it had a running time of 1h 48m because I needed to know if I had time to watch it. But I knew nothing else.

I agree with Luke that this is probably the best way to watch it: having looked at reviews and descriptions since, I would have been put off, and would have thought it wasn’t for me.

So, I will say little more about it, apart from that it was excellent in both writing and performance. I’m pleased that news of the film totally passed me by, and that Luke’s blind recommendation encouraged me to watch something I’d never normally choose.

This post was filed under: Film, Post-a-day 2023, .

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