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Tom Harris MP wants to give me a car – with driver!

Oh my!

It’s been some considerable time since I was last moved to sound this particular organ, but it appears that Labour MP Tom Harris wants to pay for me to have a car and driver to take me to and from work.

Writing in defence of ministerial cars (after Ed Vaizey suggested they be scrapped) he says:

…if you’ve just had a 12- or a 14- hour day and you’re leaving the Commons after the last vote, it’s wonderful to be able to slide into the seat of a car and relax while you’re taken home, knowing you’ll be lucky to get six hours sleep before your ministerial diary kicks in the next morning.

Well, Mr Harris, I’ll be spending at least thirteen hours at the hospital tomorrow. I’ll then sidle outside, probably feeling physically and emotionally drained, pay £7.70 for the privelege of parking at my workplace, and drive myself home. And it isn’t as if I’m the only one!

But, apparently,

…a car and driver makes life easier and … doesn’t cost that much in the grand scheme of things…

It costs £6,000,000 to run 86 ministerial cars, so I make that just shy of £69,000 per car. On my salary, Mr Harris, that is quite a lot of money. But since its peanuts to you, I’d be more than happy to let you pay!

See you tomorrow!

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics, , , .

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