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Louis Walsh back on X Factor

Remember when Louis Walsh walked out of X Factor one week, apparently quitting the show because he just couldn’t hack it any more? He was back in place for the next Saturday, of course, but it gave the tabloids a week’s worth of sensationalism.

You’ll remember than earlier this year the tabloids got excited because he’d been sacked as a judge. And, as sure as night follows day, he’s now been reinstated. And the tabloids have something new to write about.

Apparently, Brian Friedman signed up to be a judge, despite not wanting to, er, be a judge. So what’s next? Dermot signed up despite not wanted to present, so Kate will be back? Dannii Minogue will have a massive fight with Sharon and walk out? We’ll basically revert to the old format, bit by bit?

But it’s all entertaining, and I guess The X Factor plays to the pantomime spirit that the British, and the celebrity gossip magazines in particular, love. It’s addictive viewing – and whatever they do to the format, I bet I’ll be hooked.

This post was filed under: Media.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Mort Karman

    02.20, 25/06/2007

The high cost of going potty is going even higher.
My wife and I were looking at toilets for our new home.
A modern chamber pot goes for as much as $3,500, not including the plumber doing it.
As we looked at the prices of the fancy poop places we were astonished.
“How can you pee or poop on a $3,500 bowl?” My wife inquired.
Some people (or is it peeple) can. We saw other ones at prices ranging from over $1,00 to close to $5,000.
At last we found plain potties in the $100-150 range.
We bought a fix up home and it does need a new bathroom, but we can pee and poop just as well on a $100 pot as on a $5,000 one.
Does one really need a high end (pun intended) potty. Does this mean you can poop up with the the upper class?
I close with the words of King lear in his old age-“To pee or not to pee-that is the question.”

Comment from Mort Karman

    15.20, 25/06/2007

After finding the high cost of going potty much too high we have vowed to do something about it.
We are opening a used potty store.
People can purchase high end used chamber pots at less then half the price of new. As an example we have the $3,500 toilet in almost new condition for half the price. It was owned by a little old lady with constapation who only used it a few time a week.
We have come up with a name for our enterprise-HONEST KAR-USED JOHNS

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