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On dodgy naming…

There’s a pub in central Newcastle which has posters outside perpetually advertising appearances by the drag act Ophelia Balls. Thanks to my sweet innocence, it took me to walk past the pub many tens of times before – earlier this week – the terrible pun in the act’s name finally registered.

Having barely recovered from the shock, imagine my surprise at finding this new product on a visit to Ikea this weekend:

Ofelia Vag

Apparently, it’s part of the bigger Ofelia Collection. Surely they must have noticed…

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Steve Sanders

    14.27, 19/05/2008

IsTilly O’Shea a drag act?

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    20.40, 19/05/2008

You’re far from the first to ask that question, but sadly not… The history of that particular pseudonym of mine is explained in slightly pained detail here.

Comment from Ophelia Balls

    23.34, 21/05/2008

Hello me dear,surely you are not compairing me to a bloody cusion for Ikea,
well both big and soft I suppose.

I dont bite you know, just give a nasty suck from time to time,. . .!

Keep talking bout me,any form of free advert is good,dont you agree…?



Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    13.24, 26/05/2008

Well, they do say there’s no such thing as bad publicity…

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