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Photo-a-day 90: Edinburgh Castle and Ross Fountain


It’s not the most original shot, but the Ross Fountain seemed appropriate given that it’s only a couple of days since I was in England’s capital: it came from London to Edinburgh following the 1862 World’s Fair in South Kensington. Unlike me, it took a decade to make the journey, and is originally French.

Interestingly, Edinburgh Museums claim it was bought at the Great Exhibition of 1862: a claim that’s repeated on many other websites. As a bit of a world’s fair buff, I think they’ve confused the famous Crystal Palace Great Exhibition of 1851 with the Great Exposition of 1862 – the latter was funded by the profits of the former – but then I’m no historian, and might be confused myself.

I don’t really have anything interesting to say about Edinburgh Castle, other than pointing out that the £15 admission price seems excessive to me: you can visit Alnwick Castle for a whole year for less if you really want to go to a castle…! Though, I guess, that advice isn’t a huge amount of good if you’re in Edinburgh!

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Comments and responses

Comment from Julie

    23.22, 01/04/2012

Ach,you didn’t go to the rotten old castle, did you? Of course it’s expensive and not much fun, unless you’re trying to make the guards laugh. If you’re still in Edinburgh sj, can I recommend Mary King’s Close for a real slice of Edinburgh history. And for ghosts..


Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    19.10, 04/04/2012

Hi Julie,

No, I didn’t go to the castle, merely admired it from afar – I was in town for work, so didn’t get much opportunity to do touristy stuff. Thanks for the tip for the future, though!

Comment from Aryan

    04.21, 29/05/2012

I loved the place, Its like your in old times. I never seen a real castle in my whole life. I would like to experience being a Queen of the castle. haha 😀

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