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Plagiariser gets her comeupance

Some people would say that stories like that of Laura Krishna are cruel and unnecessary (indeed, some of the people commenting on that post appear to think so), but if these cases help in the fight against internet plagiarism then it can only be good news… though it’s not something that I’d do, personally, and perhaps it was not helpful to paste her full name and university on the internet, since this can only lead to over-zealous netizens causing undue unhappiness. Laura’s saga continues here, and ends here.

Update: 17th April 2006
It’s a little over a year since I posted this, but anyway…
The pages have moved, so I’ve updated the links above. Also, since the above was posted, A Week of Kindness have done three further follow-ups: Here, here, and here. Hope this helps someone!

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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