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Retouching or redefining?

This site allows you to see pictures of models before and after they’ve been retouched – click on an image, and roll your mouse over to see the before picture. Some of them have changed beyond all recognition – shocking!

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Coire

    22.16, 14/12/2005

I soooooo love you for posting that!!! You star.. they got cellulite n everything!!
Good Luck with exams n uni!
Coire x

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    11.41, 15/12/2005

Hehe – thanks for the good luck – exams seemed to go okay, but there were a few ‘difficult’ stations! Hope you have a good Christmas, and hope everything’s still good with the job!

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