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I had fifteen minutes to spare. Now I only have eight. Special people will note the significance of the time.

I also know the same Anna – she is in my English class. I don’t think she understands my warped mind. Yesterday, we did some group work analysing texts (Ok, I admit it, I get a kick out of the fact that analysing has anal in it). The particular text our group had to analyse (tee hee) – our group consisting of me, Anna, Danielle, and the Moustached-One (an annoying female) – was a memorial to a man who had been brutally murdered (tied to an iron bed frame and burnt alive, if you must know). Bearing in mind that the other texts were, on the whole, amusing IMHO I made the ironic suggestion that it was a comedy piece satirising funeral speeches, and made reference to the text to support the argument, such as “Souls? Everyone knows they don’t exist! It must be satirising the church”. All were amused, except for the Moustached One and Anna, who clearly didn’t ‘get’ the joke.

Which brings me on to other amusing things in English. Such as my fiend. I did a denotation vs connotation pictorial analysis (hee) of the word ‘fiend’, which is now roughly above my head on the wall. Which leads to clearly amusing comments such as “I think she’s staring at your fiend” and “Your fiend’s still sticking up”. You get the idea. Again, only about three of us understand it, and I still get dirty looks from the Moustached One every time I speak. I am also regularly physically attacked as there are only three males in the class, the other two are off regularly and when I attempt to combat any “typical man” comments, I am somewhat outnumbered.

How did I start all this? I dunno.

Exam meeting tomorrow – the moment of dread. Luckily, John only gets in at two on a Thursday and so will presumably not be present, and so will not be able to celebrate the first anniversary since the last one. Just to reiterate, a fiend was not liberated in any way during that meeting. I also urinate frequently.

Anyway, of the eight minutes I had to spare, I’ve now used…well…twenty. Oops.
Just one final thought…if anyone can impregnate the entire contents of the chemistry and maths A-Level syllabuses in by head in about, say, a day then I’d appreciate it.

Now I’m off to watch the final episode of Season Two of 24. Ahh…the joys of broadband!

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: Miscellaneous.

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Comment from John

    03.10, 15/06/2007

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!

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