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Sour grapes at the Mail

Richard Littlejohn in last week’s Daily Mail:

How long before the ludicrous Faye Turney pops up on Celebrity Fat Club? I bet they didn’t let her get in the dinghy first. This is a woman who is capable of capsizing the Ark Royal if she shifts her weight to the wrong cheek.

This is the newspaper, remember, that claims to have endless respect for our armed forces and says they deserve nothing but the best.

The day Faye Turney sold her story to The Sun and Tonight With Trevor McDonald was the day the Navy died of shame.

Presumably, it wouldn’t be so shameful if she’d sold her story to the Daily Mail, who made her a huge offer for it.

How on Earth is this vitriolic rag one of Britain’s most successful ‘newspapers’? And what on Earth does that say about us as a nation? I dread to think.

This post was filed under: Media.

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