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Sticking up for Blair (Just this once)

I’ve seen at least one American report about the way George Bush “put his life on the line” to surprise American soldiers at Thanksgiving in Iraq that has said “Can you imagine the British heads doing that?”.

My immediate answer was “Yes, we already have”. President Blair was there SIX MONTHS AGO, and Jack Straw was there YESTERDAY.

But since the Bush protests, we are suddenly evil. The Fox News network reported that Al Jazeera is as commonly watched here as Sky News. It’s like they think you are pro-Bush or a terrorist. You’ve got to love the American media. I don’t like certain parts of the British media, but I’d rather be lumbered with our lot than theirs…

Fantastically bitchy comment from Roger Mosey, big BBC boss person, on the new look News 24 (starting Monday): “We’ve learnt from Sky, but didn’t copy it – we’re going for impact with taste”

Talking of the new-look News 24, looks like it might be fairly good – seems to be morphing into an intelligent, analysing news channel which still keeps you bang up to date. Kind of the broadsheet yin to Sky’s in-your-face tabloid yang. Can only be a good thing…

Originally posted on The LBSC

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

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