I haven’t visited Newcastle Cathedral

Further to previous on cathedrals, my brother was agog to learn that, despite living in Newcastle for 15 years, Wendy and I have entered none of its three cathedrals.
I set out to resolve this by visiting the Cathedral Church of St Nicholas, which seems to have rather cheekily rebranded itself as Newcastle Cathedral. I wonder how the other two feel about that.
Regrettably, despite attending at a time when both the website and the sign on the door declared the building to be open to visitors, the door was firmly closed. So I still haven’t been in any of the three Cathedrals.
I have, however, followed what is possibly the world’s shortest ‘heritage trail’ outside the building, which took all of 45 seconds, and gazed upon Newcastle’s celebrated vampire rabbit, pictured above.
Better luck next time, I suppose.
This post was filed under: Post-a-day 2023, Cathedrals, Newcastle Cathedral.