A wintery coastal walk

One of the joys of where we live is that we’re very close to both open countryside and stunning coastlines.

I went for a stroll from Whitley Bay to Tynemouth—a popular walk along the promenade. It was chilly.

The trip there and back cost £4 on the Metro, thanks to their current £4 all day offer.

This post was filed under: Photos, Post-a-day 2023, Cullercoats, Metro, Tynemouth, Whitley Bay.
Photo-a-day 366: Tynemouth Priory
My last photo-a-day picture shows Tynemouth Priory this morning. It seems remarkable that Tynemouth hasn’t featured before now!
So that’s 366 photos posted… plus a few for the days when I posted several, like the Tyne Pedestrian Tunnel back in May). I’ll have to come up with a new challenge for 2013… I haven’t left myself long to come up with that!
I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing my photos, and thanks for all your comments!
This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, Tynemouth.