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Photo-a-day 43: WHSmith “unable to open”


Whoever has the slightly dull task of writing business continuity plans for WHSmith branches might want to revisit their work tomorrow morning: this large two-floor branch in one of Britain’s biggest shopping centres is completely closed today. Frustratingly, they haven’t even managed to point out in their “Sorry” notices that the centre’s other branch is open as usual.

In stranger news, just days after I suggested that the shopping centre across the river should invest in a Flight-Stop-esque artwork, look what turns up at the Metrocentre:


This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , , .

Photo-a-day 31: Unusual product choice in WHSmith


Not only does WHSmith appear to have Hallowe’en stock prominently displayed on exactly three months after the event, they’re also charging a whopping 69p for a Creme Egg! Needless to say, I didn’t partake!

This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, , .

Dissertation reject

One of the pictures that didn’t make it into my dissertation, despite the effort expended in taking it…

This post was filed under: Photos, , , , , , , , , .

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