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Instant Opinion: 79p Offer

Instant Opinion is the surprisingly popular sjhoward.co.uk spin-off book of political opinion available from all good bookshops, including sjhoward.co.uk/shop (£5.65), Tesco (£7.05), and Waterstones (£7.42).

The contents of the book are also available as a PDF document, usually selling for £3.49. However, for a very limited time, I am able to offer the eBook version for just 79p. That’s the same price as a single song on iTunes, yet provides over 200 pages of quality political content in easy-to-read PDF format.

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Update: The offer has now expired, but the eBook is still available at the original price of £3.49.

This post was filed under: Book Club, Politics, Site Updates.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Mort Karman

    00.08, 12/03/2008

We are all complaining about the high cost of petrol and getting about.
If you think a gallon of gas is high, think about New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and the (very) high cost of getting laid.
Spitzer got caught in an FBI sting operation which involved him paying close to $5,000 to a “high class”, high dollar, call girl working for the Emperors Club VIP, a top dollar prostitution ring.
If you think $5,000 is a bit much for a roll in the hay, the ring is reported to charge $55,000 if you want a girl for the entire weekend. But that is supposed to include unlimited comings and goings.
The operation is alleged to have an office in London, so now that Simon is a mega buck doctor he will have a place to go when he gets the need.
Spitzer supposedly went to Washington,D.C. to testify before a committee and needed some “stimulation” the night before.
Of course he had the obligatory press briefing with his trusty wife at his side where he said he was sorry and would “make it up ro his family.”
Spitzer is a supporter of and close friend of Bill and Hill.He had been mentioned as a possible vice presidential candidate .
So far as is known, Bill Clinton is not involved in this one.
It is expected Spitzer is going to resign as governor.
That is a good thing.
How can the public have trust in a man who spends $5,000 to get laid when he could have asked his friend Bill for Monica Lewinski’s phone number?
My ex-wife Linda had a high end (no pun intended) call girl operation going in Denver, Colorado in the mid 1970’s and those girls got $1,000 a night, so I guess it is not only petrol where the price goes up. (I know, in that business it is not the only thing which goes up)
Linda had several political types and many well known TV preachers as clients.
One of the best know moral majority types, after the fun stuff was over, would hold hands with the girl and pray.
I suppose they prayed to the Patron Saint of the Prostitutes-Saint Peter.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    08.39, 12/03/2008

Sorry, Mort, not a doctor quite yet – And certainly not a ‘mega-bucks’ one! Even if I was, I don’t think a visit to a prostitute features on the wish list…

Comment from Mort Karman

    08.53, 12/03/2008

A poll shows over 70 per cent of New Yorkers want the gov to resign after getting caught with his pants down.
But wife Silda is reportedly urging him to keep the job.
It is not known if she has Hillary syndrome or if she realizes he needs the job to support her and their three daughters after having spent so much money at the whore house.
This kind of goings on is nothing new in New York State politics.
One of the first major stories I covered as a young journalist over 40 years ago concerned the reason New York State passed a law bring no fault insurance to the state.
The insurance industry did not want this law passed as they felt at the time it would cost them a lot of money in claims.
So they held a party for legislators and at the party were the usual provided call girls.
It turned out one or more of the women had clap and gave same to several lawmakers.
Of course, the elected officials bemoaned the poor, dirty condition of the bathrooms at the State house and immediately formed a committee to procure funds to clean and refurbish the toilets.
The spending measure was quickly passed, right after no fault insurance was.
One of the best ways for a politician to look good is to go after prostitution.
Usually the ones who proclaim the sin loudest are the best whorehouse customers.
While Linda was running the escort service in Denver the Adams County Sheriff Department arrested one of the girls.
The way they did it was so disgusting I screamed in protest to the media.
They called for a girl to come to a motel in Adams County, which was not even where the escort service was based. It was in Denver County.
When the girl got there the cop photographed her naked and then had sex with her as he took more photos. While he was doing this his wife, also an Adams County cop, was in the next room recording it all.
By the time it went to court it was all thrown out.
As it turned out the chief investigator for the Adams County District Attorney was out on bail for having given his 15 year old baby sitter marijuana and had sex with her while she was high. Te sheriff was also in trouble for having forced sex upon female members of his department.
It was pretty bad when the escort service people had the moral high ground.
But sex always has been and always will be a good thing. If the other side gets caught doing it.
Too bad Spitzer got caught before he joined Hill on the ticket.
If they had gotten elected he and Bill could have turned the White House into the Play Boy Club.

Comment from Mort Karman

    12.08, 12/03/2008

You can always visit the nurses.
It is a lot less expensive. Even if you take one to dinner and a show.
And I am willing to bet they do a better job.
Having lived through the whorehouse situation with my ex-wife I can tell you-the sex for them becomes as exciting as changing a tire. And for those who are the spouses it is just as bad.
What was an outstanding love life became “Oh! well=time to do THAT again.”
I was told I should feel special.
“They all want it. You get it for free,” she explained.
They have a menu and every sex act has a price. It is like ordering food at a restaurant.
Spitzer could have visited the UK and checked himself into a hospital for a lot less then the hooker cost him.
At least those women actually WANT to have the sex. It is not a commodity for sale.
And if found out, he could have always said
she was just “kissing the boo boo.”
In Europe the politicians are expected to have extra-marital affairs. But on this side of the pond it is a “don’t ask, don’t tell” situation.
My wife said if did anything like that she would have a hard time with it. She said she would not know if she should kill me for cheating on her or for blowing so much money.
But she assures me the killing would happen for which ewver reason.

Comment from Mort Karman

    15.39, 12/03/2008

Just in-
Eliot Spitzer has resigned as Gov of New York State.
It is not known if he is going to now get a job and actually work for a living or if he is going to face any charges in connection with the prostitution incident.
The web site of the prostitution service has been removed from the Internet .
Does a gov or a call girl get to collect unemployment insurance?
I still think he would have been better off with the UK nurse.

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17th March 2008.

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sjhoward.co.uk » Instant Opinion: Offer ends at midnight

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