I’ve been blogging for six years as of today – albeit only the last few of those on this site. Regardless, in an homage to the original post, here’s some stats about this site’s five-ish year history…
Since its inception, this site’s seen:
19,428,276 hits
1,226,728 spam comments nuked by Akismet
6,081 genuine comments
1,394 posts
195 Twitter Updates
53 reviews
30 post categories
3 different straplines
2 books
1 author
1 competitive award
0 posts in the last month
Thanks for sticking with me for six years – I know some of you have read my trash since the very beginning – even before the LBSC and the start of blogging proper.
Once I have the time, energy, and will, I’ll start writing for the site again more regularly. At the moment, the most I can muster most of the time is the occasional tweet…
I hope you don’t hold it against me, and will stick with me for another six!
This post was filed under: Site Updates, Introspection.