The date is set…
…and it’s 12th September. The Guardian will, quite literally, never be the same again.
This post was filed under: Media.
…and it’s 12th September. The Guardian will, quite literally, never be the same again.
This post was filed under: Media.
It has never been the same since they removed “Manchester” from the masthead!
Very true, but the editor says that this current change is even bigger than that one – it will certainly be interesting to see what they’ve come up with… And, for the record, I think it’s still the most northerly aware of the broadsheets, which tend to think that that anywhere north of Coventry is not worthy of coverage.
Is a change for the sake of change, such a good thing?
If this is such an unprecedented change, will it not alienate the established readership of The Guardian?
Will the change attract more new readers than those it loses?
It’s certainly not change for change’s sake – it’s change to try and reverse, or at least attentuate, the plummeting sales figures. I’m certainly concerned that it might alienate the established readership – myself included – and I guess we just have to hope that it arracts more than it loses, without it been driven to become such a populist paper (though, of course, with its Scott Trust ownership, sales figures are far from the be all and end all with The Guardian in quite the same way they are for everyone else)
I'm not taking comments on my blog any more, so I'm afraid the opportunity to add to this discussion has passed.
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