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Sarkozy wins

Nicholas Sarkozy is the new French President. What more is there to say?

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Notes.

Voting underway in French elections

Segolene Royal and Nicholas Sarkozy

Voting is (sort of) underway in the French Presidential elections. Nicholas Sarkozy is, of course, taking on Segolene Royal to become President of France.

Most of the world seem to think that Royal is the better candidate, and hence, most likely, the French will vote for Sarkozy to piss everyone off. It seems to be what they do best. My trusted, reliable informant is predicting a Sarkozy win, and it does look like he’s ahead in the campaign. It’d be nice to see Royal win, though.

That’s about the limit of my knowledge on French Presidential politics. Rather pathetic, really. So, for better quality, more in-depth coverage, check out the Social Europe Blog. Going by that name, I’m guessing the coverage won’t be exactly unbiased, but since I’d prefer Royal, I might as well link to another blog that would, too.

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics.

Local, Scottish, and Welsh elections 2007

Ming’s Bling

It’s probably unlike me to say this about an election, but wasn’t it incredibly dull!

For the broadcasters, it seemed to be an exercise in going through the motions to come to a result that we’ve all been able to predict for weeks – but a slightly more dull, less damaging to Labour result. They might as well have played the results show from the last local election – I doubt anyone would’ve really noticed.

The BBC resorted to bizarre graphics apparently borrowed from The Day Today involving a rapping Menzies Campbell cartoon (‘Ming’s Bling’) and Tony Blair playing virtual tennis, presented by a Radio 2 DJ. I’m all in favour of making these things more accessible – but Ming’s Bling?! ITV were so bored by the story that they didn’t even bother with a special.

The only moderately interesting thing about the election is that the SNP have the most seats in the Scottish Parliament. But it’s no majority, they have one more seat than Labour. Again, it’s interesting to see, but only slightly interesting – and less interesting than the prediction of the SNP doing very well.

The Scottish elections were a practical disaster, with hundreds of thousands of spoiled ballots and an electronic counting system that didn’t work. That was unexpected, and perhaps there are lessons to be learnt, but it’s hardly the 2000 US Presidential Elections.

Dull, dull, dull.

This post was filed under: News and Comment, Politics.

The tragic death of Rose Tombe

Mr Tombe, in mourningToday, I’ve received news of the sad passing of Rose Tombe of Juba, Sudan.

After a quiet start to life, Rose shot to fame early in 2006 when she married Charles Tombe, who loved her so much that he was willing to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dollars to secure her hand in marriage. The news of the wedding was marred by the revelation that the happy couple had been caught by Mr Alifi, Rose’s carer, having sex before their marriage, which had resulted in Mr Alifi becoming unnecessarily aggressive and tying poor Charles up for the night.

You see, Mr Tombe and Rose were truly star-crossed lovers. For some, they were just to ‘different’ to have a true, loving relationship. Some even suggested that Charles was just playing along for the sex. But luckily, Mr Alifi soon came to his senses, and allowed the marriage to go ahead.

The couple had a bright future together, but things hit the rocks a little towards the end of last year, when Rose became pregnant. Whilst the paternity has not been formally determined, it is noticeable that the offspring bears little resemblance to Mr Tombe, but has a distinct likeness to some of Mrs Tombe’s former boyfriends.

After much soul-searching, the couple were able to work through their problems, and share in an open relationship considered radical in their Sudanese home. However, Rose tragically died earlier this week, after choking on a plastic bag.

Tributes have been pouring in from across the world, and Rose’s closest friends and family turned out to pay their last respects at the funeral. But perhaps the most moving tribute came from the late Mrs Rose’s son:

Naa naaaaa. Naaaaaaaaaaaa naaaa naa na. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

A fitting tribute to a truly special goat.

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

MTAS: Entering the twilight zone

Patricia Hewitt

After finding that the MTAS system was a complete balls-up and had not only failed in its designed intention to match doctors to jobs but had also spewed applicant’s intimate personal details onto the internet such that they were publicly accessible (see here), it would seem reasonable for Patricia Hewitt to take some action.

Perhaps you might expect that she’d sack the people who design the system. Perhaps she’d resign, and admit that the system she’s introduced was an absolute unmitigated failure. Mad Pat did neither of these.

Instead, she reported Channel 4 News to Ofcom. She hasn’t done anything in terms of getting rid of the company who designed this lamentable system, but has reported the programme which exposed the problem to the broadcast regulator, on the basis that Channel 4 should have reported the problem to the Department of Health more quickly.

Clearly, she thinks that it was absolutely unacceptable that a news programme should take 120 minutes to verify a story before notifying the interested parties, yet spewing junior doctors’ and medical students’ personal data all over the web for anyone to see is merely a minor error.

She said she was sorry ‘to junior doctors or foundation programme applicants who have been caused anxiety or, in some cases, inconvenience as a result’, which is all very nice. But remember, she has broken the law. This is an enormous breach of the Data Protection Act. Saying ‘sorry for causing anxiety’ doesn’t really cut it. If I were to post her intimate details on a website for all to see, would ‘sorry’ be enough?

She also claimed that

There is no evidence that members of the public or other commercial interests, apart from staff at ITN and “Channel 4 News”, accessed the site.

That is an out-and-out lie. There is evidence, and the MTAS project manager has that evidence. And, what’s more, it’s clear from her own speech that it is a lie. She said:

The overwhelming majority of individual accesses before the security breach was closed came from an internet address belonging to ITN, the providers of “Channel 4 News”.

The ‘overwhelming majority’. That means, quite simply, that some of the accesses were not from these internet addresses, but from elsewhere. Therefore, there is evidence that other people accessed the site. She is quite clearly and openly lying to Parliament. If you want to read more of her misguided spiel, check Hansard.

The system has criminally failed, and now she’s lying to cover her own back and kicking off against the people who exposed the flaws.

The Ministerial Code is quite clear about this. Section 1.5.c:

Ministers who knowingly mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation to the Prime Minister

She surely knows what she has to do.

This post was filed under: Health, News and Comment, Politics.

MTAS: Doctors want Hewitt to go

Patricia HewittThere’s a danger of this turning into the MTAS blog at the moment, but I can’t hide my incredulity at the complete and utter failure MTAS has been.

Now it emerges that Patricia Hewitt was told about the problems with MTAS security (covered here and here) by the British Orthopaedics Trainees Association a month ago, yet chose to do absolutely nothing about it. She knew that intimate details about doctors’ personal lives could be viewed by others, and even modified by them, and yet chose to take no action. If that doesn’t make her personally liable for prosecution under the Data Protection Act, I’m not sure what would.

Lord Hunt has confirmed today that the MTAS system is down, and he’s no idea when it will be back up. Until then, doctors will be missing interviews, because there is no mechanism in place to communicate the times and dates of these interviews to them. And he refuses to guarantee that the process of matching doctors to jobs will be completed by the August deadline. What he plans to do if it’s not is a mystery: Leave doctors without jobs and hospitals without doctors?

Patricia Hewitt has agreed to appear on Channel 4 News next week. Other than resigning live on air, I’m not sure what she can say or do to make up for this absolute shambles. Junior doctors have today voted for her to go, and I don’t know if she can survive the pressure long enough to go when Blair goes, as she inevitably will. It’s just a shame that won’t fix the problem.

This post was filed under: Health, News and Comment, Politics.

Professor Stephen Hawking in zero gravity

Prof Stephen Hawking

How wonderful it is to see one of the greatest scientific thinkers of our ages reaching one of his lifelong goals in spite of his disability. Truly inspirational.

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

MTAS: Unbelievably, it gets worse

Patricia HewittI thought we’d hit rock bottom yesterday. Once you’ve openly and illegally posted intimate details about applicants on the internet, I didn’t think there was anywhere else to go. I was wrong.

The failed system has been shut down. But now, thanks to an utterly contemptible lack of contingency planning, doctors don’t know if they’ve got interviews next week, or even where and when the interviews will be held.

MTAS was supposed to make NHS job applications more like the private sector. Do companies really try and attract people to work for them for the next thirty-five years by ignoring their past work-related experience, posting their intimate personal details all over the internet, and then not telling them when and where their interviews are? Is that how Mad Pat was appointed?

We no longer have anywhere near enough NHS dentists thanks to this government’s policies so people use other dentists from services online like Asecra. Soon, we won’t have any doctors either.

Latest Update 16:20: It’s now emerged that after a failure of the security of MTAS’s predecessor MDAP, the BMA was promised that the new system would be super-secure. Now we know that not even a password was needed to access thousands of people’s personal details. And I guess we also know the value of a government ‘promise’.

This post was filed under: Health, News and Comment, Politics.

MTAS: Breaks spirits, breaks doctors, breaks the law

Patricia HewittI’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve said Mad Pat should resign. I’m starting to get a reputation. But she really is not fit for purpose. After presiding over a catalogue of failures, she’s still in post.

She thinks services for rare diseases should be scrapped, doctors and nurses who don’t wash their hands should go to prison, hospitals should treat animals alongside humans, that NHS debt doubling is a good thing, that the NHS has too many doctors and nurses, and that dirty sheets are the way forward. She’s presided over an absolutely catastrophic failure in reform of medical training, and yet still thinks the NHS has just enjoyed its best year ever. She’s even cut the most vital of services because it’s not a political priority.

And now, it’s revealed that not only was MTAS a failure in selecting the right people for the right jobs, it was also a total security shambles.

Thousands of medical students’ and junior doctors’ personal details – including mobile phone numbers, addresses, and even criminal records – were posted, unprotected, on the internet, for anyone to access. They’re even available on Google.

As if that wasn’t enough, highly sensitive personal data which was supposed to be stored anonymously and separately from personal data – things like sexuality and religion – have been posted on the internet alongside the applicants’ names.

When this was first reported to the NHS’s IT commission, they say ‘Ah, there’s not much we can do about that’. That’s when the doctors went to the media. Then Lord Hunt comes along and claims that these were posted by some malicious individual. That was not true. Then it was claimed that the details had only been visible on the web for a few hours. That was also not true. The system was so badly designed that this data was simply being stored online, without even simple password protection, and had been available to anyone with an internet connection and a titter of wit for at least three days, and almost certainly much, much longer.

But just in case that’s not terrible enough, it has emerged today that not only could such information be downloaded and seen by anyone with an internet connection, but it could also be edited. By anyone. Yep, anyone could get into any applicants online application and edit it to their heart’s content without so much as a password.

This is not only incredibly shoddy security, it’s also illegal. It’s quite clearly against the Data Protection Act, and legal experts are predicting that if any junior doctor decides to sue the government over this, then they’ve got a pretty decent chance of winning the case.

But heck, that’s not enough for this failure of a government.

The system which is currently being tested to hold patient records has managed to spew out the personal details of many consultants, including their home addresses and phone numbers. This is the super-secure system that is virtually impossible to hack, spewing out personal details onto the internet in a completely unprotected fashion.

Patricia Hewitt has presided over the introduction of a system which has destroyed confidence, made lives hell for junior doctors, and now broken the law. She’s been an unmitigated failure of a Health Secretary, and has done damage to the NHS that will take years to put right.

I don’t think I can ask her to resign again. The fact that she’s been through all this and not even considered tendering her resignation tells us everything we need to know about her, and everything we need to know about New Labour, and everything we need to know about political integrity. There’s none left.

This post was filed under: Health, News and Comment, Politics.

Morrisons’ rebranding exercise hurts my eyes

Old and New Morrisons Logos

Morrisons is rebranding. It should have rebranded about twenty years ago. Still, you might say, better late than never. Until you see the effort they’ve come up with.

They’ve managed to turn something ugly, dated, and memorable into something uglier, tackier, and instantly forgettable. It’s really quite an achievement. It’s a circle with the letter ‘M’, and ‘Morrisons’ written underneath. They’ve taken the first letter of their name, and stuck it in a circle. They’ve swapped black for a wishy-washy greeny colour. It looks like something a colour-blind medical student with no design skill might have designed in Paint.

I’m really struggling to find something positive to say about it. Erm… I don’t think I can find anything. But you know what would’ve looked better? This.

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

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