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Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsAs soon as the title was announced, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows went on pre-order sale at Amazon.co.uk (Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows). And it’s already at Number One in their book chart.

A book, length unknown, content unknown, price unknown, and release date unknown reaches Number One in the chart. Surely this must be a first? Also interesting to see that Amazon are charging £13.99 – oh, how we’ll laugh if JK Rowling outdoes herself and comes out with some oh-so-weighty tome that will cost a good £15.99 at retail… Amazon could lose an awful lot of money!

This post was filed under: Book Club, Media, News and Comment.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Anonymous

    14.15, 05/01/2007


Comment from Anonymous

    10.42, 19/01/2007

i love jk 😀 love harry too 😀 love ron fred and george the most :razz::razz: dont love percey so much though 👿

Comment from xXxClare-BabesxXx

    18.40, 05/02/2007

OMg hw cn it be be da numbr 1 book if its complelety unknown content and price etc. it is bond 2 be gd though !!! cnt wait :mrgreen:  :mrgreen: 

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    02.59, 06/02/2007

Ooops… I’ve just noticed the spelling mistake in the title, there… In the spirit of blogging, I’ll leave it uncorrected 😉

Comment from Anonymous

    13.21, 06/02/2007

well the thing about the lose of money well amazon is so big it really won’t make much diffrence plus if they are selling it cheap wont everyone else buy it there as it is so cheap.

Comment from Anonymous

    20.16, 09/03/2007

like i love it

Comment from Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows Book 7

    02.17, 08/04/2007

Hi lets discuss this on Digg, so that we all can talk about it from all over the world.
Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows Book 7

Comment from chintamani

    10.15, 24/04/2007

i think in last 7th series harry is going to die. the fight between harry and evil lord will be very horrible when harry destroyed all horcruxes. but last one may relate to sign on harry’s head.the main part of story is to finished each horocrux with the help of every best friend of Harry.so there are two teams of good and bad.but i wonder that in good team half blood prince is also involved to destroyed evil lord……

Comment from Anonymous

    17.04, 10/06/2007

ma come si traduce in italiano the dealthy hallows???????????????????????????????????????????????

Comment from Anonymous

    21.27, 13/06/2007

i think harry OR voldemort will be a horcrux

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    02.20, 15/06/2007

I think you’re probably right…

Comment from Anonymous

    05.54, 21/07/2007


Comment from Anonymous

    03.55, 26/07/2007

well,I have an opinion.I think enybody should read the book in this moments.If you read the book at once,when you finish,there will not be more to read about Harry,magic its lost.When you finish the book,there wont be more books about it,misteries would be lost.You will know now the secrets,there will not be anything else to keep as secret,lets just keep the secret until the day all the movies are published,when the movie is published there would be more action,misteries,and of course it would be more real.Lets be patient and wait the movie is published.I will wait until the last movie,I want to read the book but if I read it now,no more misteries,no more pressure to see the movie,if you read it there is not a reason for seeing the movie,keep the Harry Potter secret til the last of days.When the last movie is published,Ill be there in 1st line of the cinema.Waiting for secrets to be revealed.Please read this.The day you finish the book,there wont be enything else to read about Harry!!!!Theres not a problem if you look on internet and find out predictions about the movie,or some things that can make the movie more exciting,interesting.Please keep misteries and dont publish what happens in the movie,I want to keep it as a secret,for the last day.The day the last movie is published Ill be happy,all the secrets will be revealed but I will know I was patient and I keep misteries.Harry Potter is a great idea,brings me ilusions and misteries to me and to many other millions of boys and girls(even adults) of the world!!!!Thanks J.K.Rowling for this awesome idea,and continue having ideas that will trap all the hearts os the world.Bring me manny ilusions and fantasies!!!!AND 4 ALL THE HARRY POTTERS FANS,CONTINUE LIKE THAT,WITH DREAMS AND FANTASIES(AND BELIEVE IN GOD).Like that I go.A J.K.Rowling fan.BYE!!!!!!UNTIL NEXT J.K.ROWLING IDEA!!!!!BYE!!!!

Comment from Anonymous

    05.28, 01/08/2007

hey did u know u couldnt find the book 2 months before it came out? also ive got the entire 1st editon harry potter set.:) right now its worth 450 000$

Comment from sam

    15.22, 03/12/2007

te quieroo harry!!!!!

love potter always

lastima q la ultima peilcula haya sido um un pioco fria
y los q mueren en el libro son muy tragicos
y buen

harry te seguimos siempree+



Comment from saaa

    15.25, 03/12/2007

i wan to have this now!!
but i have to wait twon months more
well but i know who died at least
sad sad

quietro mi libro yaaaaa
toca esperar



Comment from Anonymous

    04.08, 02/05/2008

i say that nobody have to read the book cos it will become in a mmovie why not all wait ,any way its all everything has finnishes about harry potter and everybody will see how does it end .

Comment from bbb

    09.59, 17/07/2008

i like harry potter , but i read e book and saw the film.

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