Non-Clinical OSCE
Today was my third of four exams: the Non-Clinical OSCE.
This exam contains two parts: An anatomy spot test, which consists of sixty thirty-second questions relating to pinned structures in cadavers, and six five-minute structured questions on anything and everything else. The five-minuters weren’t so bad, with quite a few of them being straightforward enough – and there was no equivalent to the bus timetable question! But the anatomy spotter was horrendous – despite doing a huge amount of anatomy revision, I still didn’t feel confident on almost any of the questions. Having said that, I usually feel that way, though it was, perhaps, a little worse today. It’s difficult to judge.
Tomorrow I have the day off; my next exam is Friday afternoon, for the MCQ/TF/EMI paper.
This post was filed under: Exams, University.