About me

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About me


I’ve been blogging for six years as of today – albeit only the last few of those on this site. Regardless, in an homage to the original post, here’s some stats about this site’s five-ish year history…

Since its inception, this site’s seen:
19,428,276 hits
1,226,728 spam comments nuked by Akismet

6,081 genuine comments
1,394 posts
195 Twitter Updates
53 reviews
30 post categories
3 different straplines
2 books
1 author
1 competitive award
0 posts in the last month

Thanks for sticking with me for six years – I know some of you have read my trash since the very beginning – even before the LBSC and the start of blogging proper.

Once I have the time, energy, and will, I’ll start writing for the site again more regularly. At the moment, the most I can muster most of the time is the occasional tweet…

I hope you don’t hold it against me, and will stick with me for another six! 😉

This post was filed under: Site Updates, .

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Comments and responses

Comment from Sketchplanet

    06.38, 19/05/2009

I thought someone should leave a comment here! Best of luck with it, do you make money from the site though?

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    10.47, 23/05/2009

I used to make a very modest amount of money from it. Nowadays, it just about manages to cover its costs over the course of the year.

Sketchplanet looks pretty cool… I’d imagine there was much more money to be made from that than this site!

Comment from lmt forex formula review

    12.04, 03/07/2009

you write great blogs that why people followed you for six years… more blogs to come.. keep writing or i might entertaining..

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I'm not taking comments on my blog any more, so I'm afraid the opportunity to add to this discussion has passed.

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