Tesco: please start doing parcels
I love ByBox, a service which delivers my parcels to convenient local lockers for me to collect, rather than attempting to deliver to my home when I’m out.
But do you know what would be even more convenient than that? A delivery in a two-hour timeslot of my choice (eg a more realistic 9-11pm), like Tesco offers for groceries and Tesco Direct.
It seems like it wouldn’t take much to set up a processing centre like ByBox’s to ship my parcels to, and for Tesco to then internally process these exactly as it does with Direct orders – delivering from my local store in a timeslot of my choice (at a price), or sending them along with my hypothetical groceries, or allowing me to pick up 24hrs a day.
C’mon, Tesco, make this happen, and we’ll hope that all the other supermarkets follow in your wake.
This post was filed under: Scrapbook.