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The six-year-old suicide bomber

This (now quite old) report from the Guardian suggests that children as young as six are being used as suicide bombers.

The International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) revealed that soldiers defused an explosive vest which had been placed on a six-year-old who had been told to attack Afghan army forces in the east of the country.

“They placed explosives on a six-year-old boy and told him to walk up to the Afghan police or army and push the button,” said Captain Michael Cormier, the company commander who intercepted the child, in a statement. “Fortunately, the boy did not understand and asked patrolling officers why he had this vest on.”

The vest was defused and no one was hurt.

That’s obviously terrible. I don’t think there’s any question of that. Unsurprisingly, no-one attempts to blame the child.

But if the child is 16, and as equally brainwashed as the six-year-old, we do blame them. Surely they bear no more responsibility? Both are equally indoctrinated into a clear belief that what they are doing is right. Essentially, the sixteen-year-old’s powers of reasoning have been reduced to the same as the six-year-old’s. Yet we still attach blame.

It’s really quite odd, when you give it some thought.

This post was filed under: News and Comment.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Mort Karman

    21.00, 04/07/2007

Six year old suicide bomber-a 16 year old shot to death in Hebron by Israeli soldiers -the boy was playing with a toy gun -all outrageous.
The world needs new leaders who are willing to compromise and work together.
There are real issues between Palestinians and Israelis and various Muslim sects in Iraq and Afghanistan but really there is nothing-no issue- worth all the loss of life we are having. As Rodney King, the black fellow who was beaten by Los Angles police said “why can’t we just get along?”
As I will be moving to our new home this weekend I will be off Internet from Thursday until Thursday next week. (we are supposed to be on cable/Internet net Wednesday)
When next I report it should be from our new home in Alma, Michigan.
It is in a scenic spot a few blocks from the Pine River. Pine River is very beautiful and people go boating and fishing there. Except you can’t eat the fish because a Dow Chemical plant used to be there and the fish are mutants. Big government is spending a gazillion dollars to clean up the river and put high end shops and condos on the other side of the river from my house. So perhaps it will raise my property value so high I can sell it and move to a quiet country place by a really clean river where i can boat and fish and swim.
Then again. big government tell us the river will be clean enough to fish and boat and swim in after the gazillion dollars is spent. Would big government ever lie to us??

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    03.28, 05/07/2007

The world needs new leaders who are willing to compromise and work together.

Hear, hear!

Good luck with the move! Hope it isn’t too stressful 🙂

Comment from Mort Karman

    12.26, 05/07/2007

When is a move not stressful?
We are supposed to be out of this apartment and moved in by Saturday.
As of this morning we have the electricity on, but no gas or water.
I am not too worried about gas as it is for hot water only until we use the furnace in winter.
As far as water we can use bottled water to cook and paper plates for a few days.
My neighbour lady said I could shower with her. (for some reason my wife won’t let me do that) I think I will just run a hosefrom her house to ours if the water is not hooked up yet.
Phone, Internet and cable come sometime between Monday-Wednesday butwe have cell phones as my wife is a call girl, actually a madam (before she murders me I had better say she manages a cell phone company)
The new windows are not in yet and the roof is not finished, but we do not expect rain so we will be okay (if it does rain I will just get some soap and there is the shower)
The siding is not finished yet,either.
Oh,well. The grass is mowed, so we can always put up a tent in the large yard and camp out.
If you get a chance look up Eganville Leader on the Internet. It is a newspaper published in Renfrew County, Ontario. There is a page one story about the desperate search for doctors there.
Thirty some years ago,when I worked at that newspaper, I wrote several stories about the desperate search for doctors in Renfrew County. Some things never change.
Contact Pembroke General Hospital if you are interested, or tell some of your UK trained doctor friends (not the terrorist ones!!)
You would not make the money you would in a major city, but you can do quite well and I have never lived in a nicer place.
If you do have any terroist doctor friends, send them to Quebec.
Catch you end of next week. (I hope)

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