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I’ve been reading ‘Comfort & Joy’ by Jim Grimsley

I know it’s a cheap shot, but this 1993 novel brought me neither comfort nor joy nor glad tidings thereof. I found it a bit of a slog.

The main characters are a rich young doctor and less wealthy hospital administrator. They fall in love, but their relationship is strained by their own and others’ expectations. It’s unremarkably quotidian. Grimsley repeatedly telegraphs that the theme he wants to consider is why couples stay together—but his consideration seems to consist mostly of repeating the question.

I can’t help but think that, when this was published, having two male characters in a normal, everyday relationship was daring on its own terms, but it feels inconsequential thirty years on. That’s progress, and Grimsley and others probably deserve credit and respect for contributing to that progress, but this novel just seemed terribly dull to me.

This post was filed under: Post-a-day 2023, What I've Been Reading, .

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