Warming up

Same time, same walk, two days later… and it’s no less than seventeen degrees warmer. Spring is mad.

This post was filed under: Photos, Post-a-day 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne, Weather.
Same time, same walk, two days later… and it’s no less than seventeen degrees warmer. Spring is mad.
This post was filed under: Photos, Post-a-day 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne, Weather.
The -5°c walk to work was a shock to the system. At least, unlike this flora, I hadn’t been out in it all night. It doesn’t look as though the flowers enjoyed the chill.
This post was filed under: Photos, Post-a-day 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne, Weather.
I like the quality snow lends to daylight. I’ve mentioned that before.
I like the unusual perspective snow brings, the way everything looks a little different.
I like that snow muffles the sounds of the city, though not this time because there isn’t enough of it.
I like walking in from the cold and slipping into a lovely swimming pool, and the invigorating contrast when I leave, but that’s really more to do with the temperature than the snow.
I like that the pool is always quiet when it snows, presumably because the weather puts people off.
I like the way that, contrary to British stereotypes, life goes on as normal when it snows.
I like that warm electric buses can ferry me to where I need to be despite the snow, without relying on burning fossil fuels.
I like that there isn’t much snow, and it will hopefully melt away quickly.
I dislike that some modern infrastructure, like these continuously activating toucan crossings, seem unable to cope with snow.
I dislike how cold my hands and feet get when it’s snowy, wet cold being more irritating than dry cold.
I dislike all the dirt when it snows, mostly from grid trodden inside on people’s shoes.
I dislike the way I can’t trust myself not to slip, especially on frozen snow.
I dislike the myriad tiny ways that my lack of confidence in walking in snow disrupts my life as someone who normally walks everywhere.
I dislike the feeling when a flurry of snow falls from a tree and onto my head, or worse, down the back of my neck.
I dislike forecasts suggesting that more snow is on the way.
This post was filed under: Post-a-day 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne, Snow, Weather.
We’ve had just a light dusting of snow here in Newcastle this evening. This winter (so far!) has been considerably lighter on snow than the last few, which has been a relief!
This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2014, Scrapbook, Newcastle upon Tyne, Snow, Weather.
You could only walk two months of the year, the rest of the time the weather is too terrible.
According to the Standard, this was the response of Laura Ritchie, a digital project manager, to TfL’s suggestion that she should consider walking instead of taking the tube.
Another commuter, Laura Belcher, added
Waiting for three tubes means I’m not in the cold and rain
There are many reasons why some might view getting the tube as easier than walkng, but these two exemplify an odd delusion which many Londoners appear to share: that the weather in London is terrible.
I spend a few days each week in London, and have done since February. I always take a 45 minute-ish walk into work from London Bridge to Westminster along the South Bank, except when I’m towing a suitcase. I have attempted to walk on 83 mornings this year so far, and have managed perfectly well (without needing even to take my umbrella out of my bag) 82 times. This morning marked the first occasion that rain convinced me to take the tube.
I have absolutely no earthly idea why people think it constantly rains in London. Either I’ve been preternaturally lucky and tried to walk in on the only 82 mornings when it hasn’t rained, or people have a distorted view of London’s weather. In fact, London has less rainfall each year than Rome, New York, Brisbane, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo.
Perhaps if people had a reality check on what the weather is actually like most of the time, then they’d feel happier with walking – which would probably benefit their health even more than it would reduce TfL’s congestion problem.
This post was filed under: Diary Style Notes, London, Weather.
This extra photo makes up for me forgetting to post one on Thursday. It shows the thin layer of ice on the roof of my car as it catches the light this evening, and looks far prettier than it will seem in the morning when I’m scraping the windows!
This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, Weather, Winter.
An extra second photo to make up for forgetting last Sunday… and it’s the first snowfall of the season here in Newcastle! Dad predicted that it would arrive today… I think it’s the first year he’s accurately forecast it!
This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, Weather.
This rain greeted me as I reached the supermarket earlier today: I sat and sheltered in the car for ten minutes or so while it passed!
This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, Weather.
It’s been a really awful day for weather here today – absolutely bucketing with rain for much of the day, and thick mist covering the city this evening. The Town Moor has become so waterlogged that The Hoppings, due to kick off tomorrow, has been delayed for what might well be the first occasion in its 130-year history.
Let’s hope summer comes soon – or all nine days of The Hoppings could turn out to be a complete washout!
This post was filed under: Photo-a-day 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, Weather.
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