137 words posted by Simon on 11 February 2012
I tweeted about this Times article yesterday – it’s really brilliant, like the plot of an off-beat West Wing episode.
Julian Glover (formerly of The Guardian) writes the following for Mr Lansley:
As I grew up, the NHS wasn’t some remote organisation. It was what we knew, what we cared about and what we wanted to make work. And that is every bit as true today. As a son, as a father, and as a patient, I know what it is to have the NHS at your side.
It is returned from Lansley’s office as:
Outcomes depend on integration across services. Opportunity of NHS/public health/and local authorities together. Like they do in Sheffield … Not structural integration but integration around families and children. Marmot (universal proportionalism) – early intervention.
Go and read the full thing, it’s fantastic.