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Doctors get (even more) vocal about MMC

Doctors’ ProtestStableSound have made two songs about the complete mess Patricia Hewitt has created in MMC, which has left thousands of doctors without an appropriate job. Perhaps this reflects a small slice of the general feeling about the problem amongst the medical profession.

MMC Song:

Study for Nothing:

There are many, many more great songs from StableStound on other topics here, and I’ll be revisiting this very popular post soon for more musical discussion.

And there’s more on MMC coming your way tomorrow, right here. Can’t wait.

This post was filed under: Health, News and Comment, Politics.

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Comments and responses

Comment from Mort Karman

    18.58, 28/03/2007

There are many, many openings for certified doctors in the rural areas of Canada and in rural and inter urban areas of the United States, I would not want to be a doctor at a “knife and gun club” hospital in an American inner city. But there are some beautiful areas of the U.S. and Canada a good doctor would be appreciated in. Renfrew County in Northern Ontario is a fine place but Pembroke General Hospital has always had a hard time keeping doctors in the “frozen North”. Rural Colorado and Wyoming are nice places to live and work and are begging decent doctors to go there. Those are areas I am aware of. I know there are many others. I don’t want to tell people to leave the U.K. but the health service is stupid enough to not realize what a resource there trained doctors are-We welcome you here.

Comment from sjhoward (author of the post)

    21.46, 28/03/2007

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m off to Calgary for my elective this summer… so I hope Canada is as good as you make it sound… though obviously Calgary isn’t all that rural…

Comment from Mort Karman

    22.13, 28/03/2007

I don’t know if they still do it, but up until I left Canada the Ontario government had a policy for doctors who went to the low population areas in the north where they would give an amount of money each year to equal what that doc would make in an urban area of the Ontario. It is a win-win. The people get good doctors and the doctor gets to enjoy a lifestyle that is unavailable in urban high density cities.
When you are in Canada contact Pembroke General Hospital in Pembroke, Ontario. I know they currently need medical people in Renfrew County and if you love boating, fishing, hunting, scenic views and such as well as down to earth decent people that is a good place to go. They have decent schools and most of the crime is bears breaking into homes. The violent crime consists mostly of domestic husband vs wife or boyfriend vs girlfriend type stuff. It is a great place to raise a family.
My youngest daughter was born in Pembroke General 31 years ago and delivered by a British doctor who moved to the area.
You would be within a couple hours of Toronto. Montreal and Ottawa when you do want to go to a fine art or concert event and about seven hours from New York City by car or quicker by airplane. In the old days they had Pemair flying from the Pembroke airport in DC3 aircraft, but I don’t know if they are still flying. Several of the doctors up there have their own planes.

Comment from Ian

    21.38, 05/06/2007

I think the whole “Modernising Medical Careers” system is a reasonable idea, but as usual, it seems that it hasn’t been thought through fully and lacks common sense. Personally, I believe it is an insult to medical graduates who have worked very hard for many years to get into medicine. Patricia Hewitt is one of those ministers who has a very slimy consistency -she never answers questions properly, and always has not a smile, but a smirk on her face when answering questions or taking interviews.

Comment from Ian

    21.38, 05/06/2007

I think the whole “Modernising Medical Careers” system is a reasonable idea, but as usual, it seems that it hasn’t been thought through fully and lacks common sense. Personally, I believe it is an insult to medical graduates who have worked very hard for many years to get into medicine. Patricia Hewitt is one of those ministers who has a very slimy consistency -she never answers questions properly, and always has not a smile, but a smirk on her face when answering questions or taking interviews.

Comment from Val

    03.51, 06/10/2007

AMEN! Renfrew County is Paradise revisited. Or reclaimed. And we DO have an urgent Doctor shortage. And it’s not the bears that concern us most – it’s the city folks who invade our territory in the summer and on weekends. Give me the bears anyday!

Just this week one of the two Doctors in the quaint, picturesque and incidentally, one of the nicest places in the world to live AND yes, raise a family, unexpectedly retired from his practice. And by so doing, has created not only a tempest in a teapot, but added immeasurablty to the acute ‘Doctor Shortage Crisis’ in this area. If it was bad before, it is ‘badder’ now.

We need Doctors in this area. Good Doctors. To replace the ‘Good’ Doctor who retired!

Renfrew County is one of Canada’s best kept secrets. Real estate prices are WAY below normal for the rest of Canada. This is the prettiest area in the world. What you get in Renfrew County is lifestyle. A truly wonderful lifestyle.

What you don’t get in Renfrew County, besides Doctors, that is, is a lot of people. Renfrew County is the largest county, geographically, in the Province of Ontario. As of the 1991 Census, population for the entire county was less than 85,000 people.

If anyone ‘Out There’ is a Doctor looking for a place to relocate, who would enjoy meeting some wonderful people; finding a truly unique and peaceful lifestyle, AND, who would enjoy being within one hour’s drive to our Nation’s Capital, Ottawa, PLEASE, come see what we have to offer.

You’ll be glad you did. So will we!

Comment from Anonymous

    17.24, 22/07/2008

Please we are looking for a very good doctor that will work with us here in Mali. At the new hospital , At personal hospital. Please is for you to tell how you want work. If you want work under contract is on you. For information. The director is not an Doctor is an Gold Delear , Am personal assistant . Please we in need. Get back to me oxfordson@yahoo.com.
Dr Cryil.

Comment from V.S.

    22.46, 08/02/2009

I think we are finally getting some new doctors to this area. If there is any doctor ‘out there’ looking for a great place to live and set up practice, please take a closer look at Renfrew County and area. And if you want to see some nice pictures of the area check out the rural rambles .com photoblog. If you like the great outdoors, you will REALLY like this area.

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