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I’ve been to visit ‘Conflagration’ by Jala Wahid

This is Wahid’s first institutional exhibition, which brings together three works into a single space.

The first and most immediately arresting is the sculpture Baba Gurgur. This is a gigantic, stylised reproduction of a Salvia spinosa flower, which is common in the Baba Gurgur oilfield in Iraq. It also represents the first moment at which oil gushed from the Baba Gurgur oilfield.

Set behind the sculpture is Sick Pink Sun, a projected pinkish circle which represents the strange appearance of the sun during the bombing of oil wells, resulting from filtration through the toxic smoke plumes.

The room is filled with the arresting sound of Naptha Maqam, a series of English poems in the style of Kurdish maqams performed by a contemporary Kurdish singer. The music is overlaid by occasional snatches of commentary from the artist.

As a whole, Conflagration is apparently about the relationship between Britain and Kurdistan. I wouldn’t have known that from my wander around. I found both the sculpture and the overall exhibition arresting, but only read the explanatory text on my way out. I had decided that it was about the exploitation of oil wealth and the connection with suppression of women, which isn’t at all what the artist intended. I’m obviously no good at art galleries.

’Conflagration’ continues at the Baltic until 30 April.

This post was filed under: Art, Post-a-day 2023, , .

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